Salisbury Garden Club
Midlothian, VA
National Garden Week 2024
National Garden Week was a huge success due to the many volunteers that we had. Some members came every day to help with our projects. On Monday, we planted zinnias and angelonia at the Post Office, as well as doing a lot of pruning and weeding. On Tuesday we in the courtyard at Redeemer Episcopal Church and on Wednesday we made 165 mini bouquets for the trays of Meals on Wheels. We finished the week with plantings and weeding at the Fire Station and Spring Arbor Memory Care. We also put educational displays in 4 libraries. It was wonderful having such great participation in celebrating National Garden Week. We really helped to beautify our community.
National Garden Week 2023
National Garden Week was a great success the first week of June. We planted annuals at the Post Office and worked at Wishing Well Park and the Anniversary Garden. We had a well-attended dedication of our Trex bench at Wishing Well Park. 25 of us made 129 mini bouquets for the trays of Meals on Wheels – a new record. We planted colorful annuals in large containers at Spring Arbor Memory Care. We put educational displays in 4 libraries.
Some members took flowers to friends who were sick. Many members helped make it a wonderful week.