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Garden Pathway

2024 Garden Tour

A warm and sunny May 22nd, greeted over sixty attendees to five special home gardens and the SGC 50th Anniversary Garden. The biennial 2024 Salisbury Garden Tour on this beautiful day was deemed a success by the entire Garden Tour committee: Janice Beatty, Lorna Boucher, Anita King, Nancy Lee, Barbara Metz, Susan Nienow, Susan Oakey, Susan Preston, Dotsie Williams, and Co-chairs John and Fran Stanwix.


The home gardens of Janice and Don Beatty, Truda and Terry Lee, Ed and Judy Malloy, Elizabeth and Chris Vance, and Laura Boland provided a wide variety of flora and hardscapes to delight their viewers. Assisting guests at the gardens were the homeowners, many of the committee members and these gracious volunteers: Sue Kucera, Louise Miller, Anne Stiles, Joy Mingis, Peggy Young, Shirley Gates, Debbie Pinkston, Marcia Harrigan, Becky Sido, Nancy Scherer, and Fran Judd.  All homeowners were gifted with floral designs coordinated exclusively to display in each of the five unique home gardens. These amazing pieces were created by  Meg Winn, DanaDee Carragher, Jeanne Miles, and Camille Archie. Another homeowner gift, a slate-like stone inscribed with “2024 Salisbury Garden Club Tour”, was skillfully prepared by Jean Jordan for each garden. To remember this momentous day, photos of all gardens were taken by Donna Cottingham.


To those who volunteered their gardens, all tour attendees, the volunteers, all who helped in their distinctive capacities, and all committee members: well done!

2024 Garden Tour Pictures

Salisbury Garden Club Midlothian, VA

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