Salisbury Garden Club
Midlothian, VA
A Message From Our President
Becky Sido
2024 - 2025 Theme:
“Caring for our World, by Sharing, Enriching and Protecting”
Welcome to the Salisbury Garden Club!
What is a garden club and what do we do? A Garden Club provides education, service opportunities and long-lasting friendships. In our recent member survey, one response really said best what I feel about SGC. The friendliness and camaraderie of SGC members, which becomes most apparent in smaller group settings (workshops, projects, committees, etc.) as we have an opportunity to spend time together.
Although garden club activities slow down a bit over the summer, members are still at work on various projects. Members also take time to focus on our own gardens and arrangements. Many of our community garden sites are watered throughout the summer, especially with the hot and dry weather we have had. Other members are busy working and planning programs, presentations, workshops, outreach projects, the yearbook, and social events for the coming year. Plans for next spring’s Standard Flower Show are in full swing and we hope that all members will participate in some way. Many thanks to all who have been reporting their plastic recycling. We met our goal of 1000 pounds and will order the bench for Manakin Episcopal Church, as soon as they chose a color. It is my hope that you will review our list of meetings and activities with an eye to joining us.
Happy Gardening,
“Essential advice for the gardener: grow peas of mind, lettuce be thankful, squash
selfishness, turnip to help thy neighbor, and always make thyme for loved ones.”